Altered Standard play wordt elke week op de dinsdagen gespeeld. Hier is alvast wat informatie over wat standard play voor Altered inhoudt:
Standard is a format where you build a deck ahead of time and bring it to the game. Choose your favorite Hero or favorite faction and build a deck following the strategies you like best.
Whether you pick a pre-constructed deck, follow a decklist or craft a list of your own, Standard is the classic Altered experience and the one we recommend for new players and tournaments alike.
As a constructed format, Standard requires that you bring your own deck to any event.
Setting up an Altered Standard game
- Standard is played 1v1. A Standard event can welcome any number of players.
- Both players need a deck that follows the deck construction rules below.
Standard Deck Construction Rules
Standard decks in Altered must adopt the following guidelines:
- A deck must contain a minimum of 39 non-Hero cards plus exactly 1 Hero card. (Token cards do not count towards the deck minimum. If you have token cards to go with your deck, they start outside of your deck.)
- All cards in your deck must be of the same faction as your Hero card.
- You may have a maximum of 3 copies of a card with the same name, regardless of rarity.
- You may have a maximum of 15 Rare cards in your deck.
- You may have a maximum of 3 Unique cards in your deck.
Deze informatie is van de officiele Altered website. Mocht je verder nog vragen hebben is hier een uitgebreide uitleg over alle Altered formats te vinden:
(Bij inschrijving krijg je 1 booster van de nieuwste altered set, en op basis van hoevaak je wint worden er ook speciale promo boosters uitgedeeld!)
Inschrijven via het Altered portaal kan hier:
Er kunnen geen reserveringen meer worden geplaatst voor dit evenement.